Our general R&D theme is both very simple and very complicated. It's called “EARTH”

Kinden R&D focuses on the earth we live on, but it goes deeper than that. The way we spell it is "E" for the Environment, "A" for Amenities (interior environments), "R" for Recycling technology and materials, "T" for Technology and "H" for Human engineering - "EARTH". At the same time, we don't limit our research to the preconceived notion of these five fields; we also pursue the directions they point in. Those directions include new energy, interior thermal assessment, natural resource recycling, data communications, nursing care and other medical-related fields - in short, some of today's most crucial areas in helping build a healthier, self-sustainable world.

Kyoto Institute

The Kyoto Institute is an integral center in our "value creation network" that applies the latest concepts and technologies in developing the foundations for tomorrow's technological breakthroughs.

Environmental Laboratory

This laboratory is used to create environmental conditions that let R&D specialists investigate cutting-edge developments in new energy, physical comfort and other crucial life science fields.

R&D Topics

Kinden's R&D Division focuses on themes we see as integral to maintaining leadership status in our core businesses - communications, energy and the environment.